RLR Laundry Treatment: Remove residue & buildup from cloth diapers and more.
RLR Laundry Treatment is often recommended as a cure for stinky, leaky diapers that may be in need of stripping as it provides strong deep cleaning of the fibers, removing dried-in minerals, urine deposits and detergent residue. It also works well with hard water, pulling the built-up minerals out of the fibers and rinsing them away. It is phosphate-free, free of fragrance, non-polluting and biodegradable.
RLR Laundry Treatment is not a soap or bleach. It is a special treatment to remove dulling dried-in particles from fabric. Over an extended period of time, mineral deposits found in your water, dirt and soil sediment, and residual matter from detergents all accumulate in fabric causing it to look dingy. In the case of cloth diapers, this residue may impair absorption or cause odours to surface. RLR works by removing these particles from the clothing, holding them in suspension in the water and preventing redeposition so they rinse away clean.
RLR helps remove buildup from your diapers which often causes repelling, leaking and odor issues.
Not a bleach, bluing, or detergent but rather RLR is a proprietary blend of sodium carbonate.
How to use RLR on regular Laundry for an added boost: Open package and empty directly on dry or wet laundry in washing machine. Wash as usual with detergent. RLR Laundry Treatment can also be used for handwashing of one or two small pieces of clothing--just use a small amount in a basin of water.
How to Use RLR for stripping cloth diapers: Open package and empty directly on dry or wet, clean cloth diapers. Run a full wash/rinse cycle without detergent. Continue to run rinse cycles until the majority of bubbles are not observed in the washer. Dry as usual. The amount of RLR used is the same in a front or top loader. ALSO can be soak in the bath tub - run rinse cycles in washer until majority of bubbles are gone. Dry as usual.
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